The Importance Of Urban Wellbeing In 2020

The 2020 COVID pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for urban populations around the world, with millions of city dwellers living in periods of lock-down, denied their regular access to social connections and outside space. At Clifton Homes we have long advocated a design philosophy which focuses on what we call Urban Wellbeing - this year the benefits of such an approach really became evident…

At Clifton Homes we believe passionately in the power of the physical environment to improve health and happiness. Our developments aim to optimise the physical factors which research shows positively impact our quality of life.

The spaces where we live, work and socialise have the ability to impact

• How we feel

• How we behave towards others

• How much physical exercise we get

In an urban setting it is always important that your residential environment contributes positively to these factors, counteracting the stressful influences that City life can impose. In 2020, however, this became even more vital as the proportion of our time spent at home increased dramatically, and our access to other social connections (via work, shopping, entertainment etc) and exercise opportunities (sporting clubs, gyms etc) was curtailed.

Residents living at Embassy Gardens during Accra’s COVID lockdown benefited from access to the development’s communal gardens, plus luxury fitness facilities including swimming pools, gym and yoga studio. The peace of mind provided by reliable security and utility provision was also valuable in a time of heightened anxiety, all combining in a myriad of small ways to help support residents’ mental and physical wellbeing.

Andrew Keese